What's Missing From Medicine
Six Lifestyle Changes to Overcome Chronic Illness
Door: Saray Stancic, MD
In het voorwoord, waarin zij ook kort ingaat op de impact die onze leefstijl heeft op de ernst van mogelijke klachten bij een infectie met het recente coronavirus, schrijft zij in mijn ogen precies waar het om gaat:
By educating all people, whether medical professionals or patients, whether they have been diagnosed with a chronic illness or not, whether they're obese or not, of the profoundly impactfull changes that can be made in our lives through the implementation of the lifestyle principles in this book, we can lift all of us into an much brighter future.
Korte beschrijving:
After stumbling upon some studies that linked MS outcomes to diet and lifestyle, Dr. Stancic undertook a radically different approach to managing her illness.
Within a relatively short time period she was off all MS medications, walking normally, resumed dancing, and in 2010 she ran a marathon!
Today she lives an active, symptom free life, and takes no medications for multiple sclerosis.
Now, in What’s Missing from Medicine: Six Lifestyle Changes to Overcome Chronic Illness, Dr. Stancic shares her own inspiring story and explains the incredible power that specific lifestyle changes can have for those living with chronic illness.
Her prescription to prevent, treat, and even reverse chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and many others, is what readers will find in this book.
Dr. Stancic is also highly critical of the medical community’s lack of success when it comes to treating chronic illness, and that’s why What’s Missing from Medicine is both a prescription for a better life for each of us, as well as a clarion call for the medical establishment to make these lifestyle changes an integral part of the practice of medicine.
Lees haar relaas (2014) op de Forks Over Knives website.
Na de lancering van haar documentaire "Code Blue, redefining the practice of medicine", waarin de ernstige tekortkomingen binnen de huidige amerikaanse gezondheidszorg worden blootgelegd, heeft zij dit boek geschreven. Klik de link voor de trailer en meer informatie over deze documentaire.
Een mooi gesprek met haar vind je in onderstaande video:
Table of Contents:
Foreword Dean Ornish, MD xi
Preface xvii
Introduction xxiii
Chapter 1 The Man-Made Epidemic of Chronic Disease 1
Chapter 2 The Lifestyle Medicine Solution 15
Chapter 3 The Plant-Centered Plate 35
Chapter 4 The Importance of Movement Every Day 63
Chapter 5 Living Better with Mindful Stress Management 91
Chapter 6 Establishing Good Sleeping Habits 113
Chapter 7 Substance Intake Awareness 131
Chapter 8 The Healing Power of Human Connection 145
Conclusion 163
Acknowledgments 169
Appendix A Food Diary Template 171
Appendix B Sleep Diary Template 175
Notes 178